Study on Self-adaptive Fuzzy Algorithm Based on Experimental Object 基于实验对象的自适应模糊算法的研究
The significance, knowledge representation structure and reasoning mechanism of fuzzy object model are analyzed in detail. 详细分析了该模糊对象模型的意义、知识表达结构以及它在模糊专家系统中的推理机制。
A Fuzzy Region Understanding Tactic for Object Tracking Based on Frog's Vision Characteristic 基于蛙眼视觉特性的运动目标模糊化区域理解跟踪方法
In this paper, the fuzzy equivalent relation in the object set of random fuzzy information system are defined by virtue of R-imply operators in fuzzy logic. The approximate representation of knowledge in the random fuzzy information system is obtained. 利用模糊逻辑中的R-型蕴涵算子定义随机模糊信息系统对象集上的模糊等价关系,进而实现对随机模糊信息系统知识的近似表示。
Then, how to model geometry of fuzzy geographic object and its locational uncertainty is analyzed in details. 然后,基于场模型建立了模糊地理目标的空间表达,分析了模糊地理目标的位置不确定性,进而建立了模糊地理目标的拓扑表达模型,即点集拓扑内部、边界和外部。
The practical SAR image correction method, especially the digital differential rectification method with dense triangle mesh needs a large quantity of ground control points ( GCPs), but the SAR image noise and fuzzy object edge make the auto matching GCP selection algorithm difficult to be successful. 实际应用的雷达图像正射纠正方法,特别是密集三角形格网的数字微分纠正方法需要大量纠正控制点,但是,雷达图像噪声和目标边缘模糊使自动匹配的选点算法难以成功。
Particle system is deemed to one of the most successful arithmetics, which simulats a class of irregular and fuzzy object by far. 粒子系统是迄今为止模拟火焰、尾焰这类不规则模糊物体最为成功的一种算法。
Fuzzy object element analysis of multipurpose decision for diversion standard of hydropower projects 水电工程导流标准多目标决策模糊物元分析
In the paper, the values are determined by fuzzy satisfactoriness of object functions. Secondly, we apply fuzzy decision making method to solve the problem. 本文我们应用模糊决策方法,用目标函数的满意度确定出了目标期望值,体现了决策者的主观意愿和偏好,科学而合理地解决了茶叶经营过程中拼配决策问题。
A search engine of document information is improved and a heuristic search strategy with multithreading and distributing is implemented. It introduces fuzzy retrieval model on the object documents. 该系统改进了信息搜索引擎,实现了多线程分布启发式搜索策略,并提出了目标文本模糊搜索空间模型。
This paper precents the basic theory and algorithm step of fuzzy AHP and Multiple object AHP and Grey AHP. Finally, the application of these methods is illustrated with examples. 本文介绍了模糊AHP、多目标AHP及灰色群体AHP的基本原理与算法步骤,并给出了其有关的应用实例。
According to fuzzy clustering theory and fuzzy pattern recognition theory, a theory and model deciding forecast factor weight was present on basis of fuzzy object function in this paper. 根据模糊聚类与模糊识别理论,基于模糊环境下的目标函数,提出了一种确定预报因子权重的理论模式。
The modeling and real-time rendering technology of irregular fuzzy object is problem and focus in virtual reality technical research field. 不规则模糊物体的建模及其实时显示技术一直以来都是虚拟现实技术研究中的热点与难点。
It is shown that this soft-ware can not only design a fuzzy logic controller but also evaluate the robust and dynamic performance of the designed fuzzy logic controller when different object models are input into a computer. 该软件不仅能优化设计模糊控制器,而且能根据不同被控对象模型进行仿真,从而评价模糊控制器的鲁棒性及动态性能。
Moreover, in order to guarantee linearity within each subspaces, this paper adopts a new fuzzy clustering object function, and utilizes immune genetic algorithm to solve the new clustering problem, which not only avoids the local optima but also is robust to initialization. 同时,为保证各聚类子空间内样本的线性化度,采用新的综合聚类指标,并利用免疫遗传算法来求解该聚类问题,以克服迭代算法易陷入局部极小和对聚类初始化敏感的缺点。
Application of fuzzy set to object recognition 模糊集在复杂背景下目标选取中的应用
In the paper, fuzzy object graphic is proposed by applying fuzzy mathematics to object modeling technique ( OMT). 论文将模糊数学与面向对象建模技术(OMT)相结合,提出了针对问题领域中模糊信息的模糊对象图建模方式。
This thesis analyzed the feature of static irregular fuzzy object, considering the feature that it will not change with time gone, we adopted "billboard" technology to realize it. 论文分析了静态不规则模糊对象特点,利用其不随时间变化的特性,采用了Billboard技术来进行实现,获得了良好的真实感与实时性。
Fuzzy Object Match in Expert Systems 专家系统中基于模糊对象匹配的研究
In this paper, the fuzzy knowledge representation method, the structure of fuzzy knowledge bases and the fuzzy control reasoning oriented on object model are researched. Also, a fuzzy-control expert system based on robot object model is realized. 该文研究了对象模型的模糊知识表示方法,模糊知识库的结构和对象模型的模糊控制推理,并实现了一个基于机器人对象模型的模糊控制专家系统。
The effect of natural background and noise in infrared image, fuzzy edge of infrared object, make it difficult to segment and label artificial object in natural background. 自然背景复杂的纹理特征和红外图像中的噪声影响,以及红外目标模糊的边缘,给红外目标的边界检测和分割带来一定的困难。
To the question autonomous underwater vehicle path planning for region reconnaissance, the sensor based cellular decompositions is proposed. Then the strategy based on fuzzy control is applied to object reconnaissance. 针对水下机器人作业区域路径规划问题,设计了基于传感器的单元分解法,提出应用模糊控制策略实现对目标的探测。
And the algorithm based on OMT of converting fuzzy E-R graphic to fuzzy data modeling in object oriented is studied. 并通过模糊对象图实现了模糊E-R图到面向对象模糊数据模型的转换。
Improved genetic optimization algorithm and its applications in mechanical optimization design with fuzzy object and fuzzy constrained function 遗传优化算法及含有模糊目标和模糊约束的机械优化设计
Two methods of similarity degree and intersection function are used to calculate the matching degree between fuzzy objects and different fuzzy object patterns in rules. 并应用格贴近度和综合函数γ-operator两种方法计算模糊对象与规则中各种模糊对象模式之间的匹配程度.实验表明,该方法能显著地提高信息的准确性和有效性。
In order to resolve that two questions, this paper uses constructing fuzzy model of model object and proposes scheme controlling GA inspired by classical control theory which used math model to analyze the stability of a system in order to resolve system distinguish of fuzzy model. 受经典控制利用控制对象的数学模型分析系统稳定性的启示。构造模糊对象的模糊模式来分析模糊系统的稳定性,并提出型式控制GA,用以解决模糊模式的系统辨识问题。
Owing to impersonally fuzzy factors of fuzzy optimum optimization object, design variable and parameter value can obtain any value in the value range of design variable. 由于模糊优化方法考虑了研究对象客观存在的模糊因素,使设计变量和参数的值能达到应有的取值范围,其数学模型能更接近客观实际,分析的结果更为合理。
Results of fuzzy object element analysis based on experiment indicated that cutting vibration of high speed face milling cutter using structural design method was depressed, the cutters with higher safety and cutting stability, and their cutting performance have met the requirement of high speed milling. 基于实验的高速铣削性能模糊物元评判结果证实,采用结构化设计方法开发的高速面铣刀有效抑制了切削振动,具有较高的安全性和高效切削稳定性,切削性能满足高速铣削要求。
In this paper, through analyzing and studying the physical structure and working principle of Charge-coupled Device image sensor ( CCD), we propose a speed measurement using single-frame fuzzy image of moving object based on the dynamic response of CCD. 本课题通过对CCD图像传感器物理结构、工作原理的分析和研究,提出了基于CCD图像传感器动态响应特性的单帧模糊图像速度测量方法。
With true size of the object and other parameters, based on fuzzy set classification for moving object classification. 3. 利用目标的真实尺寸参数和其他参数,基于模糊分类法进行运动目标的分类研究。